Sunday, November 15, 2009

Edward James Skullmos

Alrighty, my first project is going to be a head of Edward James Olmos. Besides being in Blade Runner (one of my top 5 movies of all time, with a top 5 scenes of all time), he has a face that just smacks of character and is quite a challenge.

Below is the start of his head, a rough sculpt of his skull. Next I will start adding the muscle groups in the face. Why model it this way? 2 reasons;
  1. Its fun, and it's like a study of anatomy.
  2. I know that the underlying structure is in the face, the muscles and bones are there, which I feel adds to the overall model.
An Talented modeler I worked with at EA got me into this technique, I don't do it for every head but I will for this one. I know he has ears (part of the base mesh I made), and a neck and what not, or much detail on the back of the head (He's gonna have hair). But this is how I start :p.

And if I blow expect to see all these posts deleted haha

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