Friday, January 29, 2010

Lighting it up

Uniform model has been added, but not textured yet! So please no freak outs on the colors and the shader of his uniform (I haven't even laid out the UVs yet). Also it's a little snug around the neck so Going to shape that out a tad bit, shoulders are also curving off too much but that's an easy fix.

So working on lighting the face, 4 lights right now and render times are up to 15 minutes a frame, I took one of the lenses out of his glasses (back lense) but think I may throw that back in, I liked the reflection of the light reflectors in it. And I think I may throw in another light reflector in front of him to give his eyes more life.

Anyone have any thoughts on the specularity of his face? To specy?

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

For the fan boys

Alrighty made one quick adjustment for the Adama fan boys before I could get called out on it :). What was the change? Only a fan boy would know :P.

Looks like I have to watch the lighting, the wrong angle totally kills his pock marks.

And I put on the glasses...

Due to popular demand, the glasses are on, begging the question, "Is the uniform to follow?". I enlarged his pupils after looking at photos he has less white space in the eyes as I had. Brought in the sides of the head a tad to fill up the hairline. Oh and added crappy eyebrows, ya... I'm gonna have to redo those, Maya fur just isn't working for me at this point. He could most likely benefit from a eccentricty map and a specular reflection map as well.

But he's getting close to finish, oh and i should fix up his lighting it's flat right now, had it this way to help me work on hair.

Okay, so did another quick render didn't work out so I combined it with the on up top to fake some sort of eye highlight, and brought the saturation down. Looks like the light is penetrating to far into his skin along the shoulder so I'll have to dial back the light, or change up the subsurface scattering map.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Shave and Hair Cut....

Yup, hair sure is tedious, takes awhile to render too, tho my settings are a little high. So have the hair plugs in (most of ehm), and now I just have to shape the hair line add body to where it's needed etc. It needs a lot more work.

His chest texture is going to remained smudged until I can find a good head/neck texture somewhere, if you have one please MSN me :). I think I need to revisit his forhead wrinkles they look to thick to me. That will be in the polish stage. I would like to have the hair done tomorrow with the eyebrows under way.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

State of Ed

Adjusted the skin tone and lighting, adjusted some modeling, fixed a problem with the spec map pointing to the wrong spot.

Not a 2am - 3am Post

Man I post a lot late a night, any who this is where my head is at...

Will start on the hair soon, gonna switch back to Edward and fix his hair up, and give him eyebrows. I don't know any artist who likes doing hair, tedious and hard :p.

Overall she's coming along, I think I could stand to make her mouth a little smaller, and up around her eyelashes it's kinda smudgy.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Seek the shader!

Set up the skin shader, I'm using a lot more maps this time and found some errors in the Olmos shader, hehe. The eyes aren't fitting atm, so I'm going to have to fix that... The modeling isn't finished at all, I just worked on the shader pretty much today, defined the neck area better.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Textured cleaned, guess I should do the same to the house...

So I cleaned up the texture, touched up some modeling. Right now the texture and model is pretty symmetrical so I'll add some asymmetry tomorrow or the next day. This is still being rendered in zbrush so that kinda blows out all the detail in the texture atm. I'm also going to have to add in the fine details over the next bit too, flesh out the neck and chest area as it's pretty flat.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Windows 7 networking is easier?

Bah, spent most of my time today trying to get my notebook and desktop to talk to each other. They still don't really, I've narrowed it down as either windows 7 networking sucks or Bitdefender my firewall does... Anyways.

So I started with the texutre on her face, I can't find any hires images of who I'm doing, so I had to lay down a highres skin texture from a different female model all together. As you can see stuff isn't lining up, like the nostrils, eyebrows, eyes, just the mouth so far. And the texture has a bunch of light patches and streaks and projection errors. But I'm posting because this is a wip, so :p.

Don't the grey eyes look eerie? You can have a lot of weirdness on the human head, but mess with the eyes and it all goes to pot :).

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Other work

Just started modelling a new head, a girl... way different than Ed there :).

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Rip into it

Okay, holidays are officially over and the plague that I contracted in Edmonton seams to be abating and I can breath now, tho I'm still holding my breath for some reason (This is all literal btw bad cold, couldn't breath through my nose at all).

I still have a list of stuff I want to fix, but I think it's hammer at the head time, so rip into it, MSN your feedback.

The eyebrows are going to be done with maya fur, so that is the last thing I'm going to work on, right now they're just place holders, until I get the geo locked down. Same with the skin poor details, they'll be added when the modeling is hammered down, right now just some surface noise.