Friday, January 15, 2010

Windows 7 networking is easier?

Bah, spent most of my time today trying to get my notebook and desktop to talk to each other. They still don't really, I've narrowed it down as either windows 7 networking sucks or Bitdefender my firewall does... Anyways.

So I started with the texutre on her face, I can't find any hires images of who I'm doing, so I had to lay down a highres skin texture from a different female model all together. As you can see stuff isn't lining up, like the nostrils, eyebrows, eyes, just the mouth so far. And the texture has a bunch of light patches and streaks and projection errors. But I'm posting because this is a wip, so :p.

Don't the grey eyes look eerie? You can have a lot of weirdness on the human head, but mess with the eyes and it all goes to pot :).

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