Wednesday, January 27, 2010

And I put on the glasses...

Due to popular demand, the glasses are on, begging the question, "Is the uniform to follow?". I enlarged his pupils after looking at photos he has less white space in the eyes as I had. Brought in the sides of the head a tad to fill up the hairline. Oh and added crappy eyebrows, ya... I'm gonna have to redo those, Maya fur just isn't working for me at this point. He could most likely benefit from a eccentricty map and a specular reflection map as well.

But he's getting close to finish, oh and i should fix up his lighting it's flat right now, had it this way to help me work on hair.

Okay, so did another quick render didn't work out so I combined it with the on up top to fake some sort of eye highlight, and brought the saturation down. Looks like the light is penetrating to far into his skin along the shoulder so I'll have to dial back the light, or change up the subsurface scattering map.

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